Table of Contents
From the editor
The Bane of the Online Book World: Mega-Listers
Plagiarism and Online Bookselling
Defining Mega-Listers
Megalisters: Big and Online
Mega-Lister Questionnaire
An Interview with Mike Goodenough
Books, Books Everywhere, But Not a Page to Read, or, a Book Dealer’s Travels in Spain
Ephemeral Assays: Herbarium Symposium
Book Reviews The Art of the Book & Beauty and the Book
Book Review: Books, Friends, and Bibliophilia by Anton Gerits
How I Spent My Summer Vacation: Teaching at the Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar
The Boot Camp for Book Dealers
Joe Perlman of Mostly Useful Fictions
Marc Monsarrat of Bookmarc Books, Malahat, British Columbia
John Hardy of Hardy Books, Nevada City, California
Ye Old Booksellers: Forty Years Among the Old Booksellers of Philadelphia