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The IOBA Standard is the journal of the Independent Online Booksellers Association and covers the book world, with a special focus on the online used, out-of-print, and collectible bookselling markets.


IOBA Q & A Column


Jean McKenna

Q. I’ve got a book, printed in Switzerland in 1944, appears to be perfect bound, but with flimsy cardboard boards, no endpapers (not removed – they were never there). And it has a dustjacket. What do I call this binding? Flexible boards? Is there a more precise term?

Julie Fauble

A. Flexible binding should work fine. Limp binding seems to only apply to suede or soft leather.

Joyce Godsey

Q. What is the name of the plastic binding of interwoven fingers (for lack of a better term.) Not a spiral binding.

Bruce (Bookends Bookstore)

A. I believe you are referring to a comb binding. If the ‘plastic binding of interwoven fingers’ you described were laid flat (don’t try it, because the plastic might be too brittle for that) it would resemble a comb.

Jerry Blaz

Q. Can some savvy list member tell me how to change the shipping default on ABE upward?

Susan Halas

A. Go to Your Books. There is a new special little box at the right side of the screen that says “Adjust Shipping Rates.”

Alyce Cresap

Q. Hope someone can help me. Several days ago I received an order through ABE. The customer had left a card number, but when I processed it the card was declined. I emailed the buyer asking for a new card number or a check, but the customer has not responded. I would like to cancel the sale, so that I am not charged the commission. Does anyone know how to do this?

Donna (The Eloquent Page)

A. Recent message to me from ABE:

” To process a refund for the commission fee charged by ABEbooks, please follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your Bookseller account

2. Click on “Your sales”

3. Click on “abebooks”

4. Click on “Review and process your orders”

5. Select “abebooks” as the program and select “Processed” as the status

6. Click “List orders”

7. Find the order that needs to be refunded

8. Under “Review and process”, click “Request a Refund” (refers to commission fees)

9. Put a check mark in the box beside the item to be refunded

10. In the drop down box, select the reason for the refund i.e., “Incomplete Sale”

11. Type your exact reason in the comment box (this will be sent to the buyer) i.e., Credit card rejected

12. Click “Initiate Return”

The refund for commission fees is now complete.”

John and Carole Ansley

Q.   I don’t usually deal in ex-library books, but have recently come across a few that were just too valuable to pass up. The dust jackets are glued to the pastedown endpapers with dirty dust sleeves covering the jackets. Do you leave the jacket glued to the endpaper and sell the book as is with a dirty dustwrapper, or do you peel the jacket off the endpages, remove the old mylar wrap and just deal with the unsightly glue marks that result from this? If so, do any of you have a good method for removing a glued dust jacket?

David Peterson

A. Try HEAT first. Most library adhesives react well with heat. I use a household iron and put stiff paper on top as a shield. However, others have suggested putting a quilting iron in my toolbox as it has a much smaller ‘head’. If the Rubber Cement has oxidized too much, and won’t soften, there is such a thing as Rubber Cement Thinner.  It’s hard to find – an art store may have it.  If I have to use it I sneak it onto the offending adhesive with a q-tip [remember it will melt anything plastic].

Joyce Godsey

We thank all of our contributors.

Jean S. McKenna, Chairman Education Committee

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