Felix Stenert
Sep 23, 2003
Using online-offerings by antiquarian booksellers in the library
Editor’s Note: Felix Stenert is a graduate student in Germany, and this article is a portion of his master’s thesis (we will probably...
Shirley Bryant
Sep 22, 2003
Addiction or?
I’ve been musing about something, brought on by the reactions of my husband and my sister to some of my risk-taking behaviors in buying...
Joyce Godsey
Sep 21, 2003
Sort, Throw, Save, Publish?
A bookseller is always either making decisions or postponing them. About five years ago I attended an auction and acquired a station...
Joyce Godsey
Sep 20, 2003
Family Ephemera
On the letterhead of the Butte Saddle Mining Syndicate Offices in the Bacon Building, Oakland April 2nd, 1909 This is a memorandum for...
Joyce Godsey
Sep 19, 2003
Nevermore – How it Started
Nevermore is a new line of signed limited editions published by Festa Publishing. It will contain books in German language that may be...
Michael John Thompson
Sep 18, 2003
Bookselling – Past And Present, On and Off Line
I was asked to write an article about the history of Internet bookselling and the interaction between on-line bookselling and a proper...
Rick Russell
Sep 17, 2003
The Return of AB Bookman
T. S. Eliot, perhaps, described the end of AB Bookman best, it went out “… not with a bang, but a whimper.” For almost 50 years, it was...
Scott Brown
Sep 16, 2003
Neither a Collector Nor a Saver Be
In the course of selling books over the last eight years, I have had the good fortune to handle the letters and manuscripts of many...