First Russian translation of the first major theoretical treatise on cubism
Albert Gleizes & Jean Metzinger. О кубизмѣ | O kubizm. Санкт-Петербург, Издат. "Журавль" | St. Petersburg, Zhuravl', [1913].
21,8 x 17,7 cm. 38, [2] pp. Self wrappers. Untrimmed. The spine neatly restored with Japanese tissue, some browning, but overall a very well preserved copy of a fragile item, printed on paper with a green hue.
First Russian translation of the first major theoretical treatise on cubism, Du "Cubisme" (1912), translated by Ekaterina Nizen (née Guro, 1874-1972).
Nizen was the sister of important Russian Futurist painter and writer Elena Guro. Nizen's translation was favorably reviewed by Elena's husband, Mikhail Matiushin, in the third issue of the Futurist journal Soiuz molodezhi. It had great influence on Russian modernist art.
Nizen has remained in relative obscurity, but she was closely involved in the modernist movement, contributing to Futuristic anthologies and signing two manifestos.
A second translation was made by M. Volosin and published in Moscow in the same year.